For labor councils and other trade union locals:
· On October 25 the military under General Abdel Fattah Burhan dissolved the transitional government of Sudan, arrested Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and declared martial law;
· Mass protests of millions of Sudanese people across the country have rejected all and any military rule through Millions Marches, general strikes, and civil disobedience;
· Violence and mass arrests have been used to quell the resistance to military rule;
· At the time of writing, twenty-one have been killed, hundreds injured and many more arrested or detained.
· The regime has singled out union activists for detention like Mohamed Abdel-Basit, the head of the Workers’ Union of Petro Energy who was arrested at his work place on November 4th, the Sudanese Teachers Union for its leadership role in resisting military rule, and since November 7, has arrested over 100 teachers;
· On October 26, Al-Burhan announced the dissolution of trade unions and professional associations in Sudan, in violation of the International Labor Organization’s Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No. 87)
Therefore, be it resolved [insert your union, labor council, students’ union, or organization here] will:
· Condemn in the strongest possible terms the coup in Sudan & the actions of the Sudanese military and militias;
· Support strike action by education, health, airline, bank, oil & other workers resisting the coup;
· Support the neighborhood resistance committees, the grassroots organizations leading the organizing of the mass protests and uplift their demands;
· Call for the release of all detainees;
· Call for the restoration of the internet in Sudan which has been under near-total blackout since the coup in attempt to prevent resistance;
· Reverse the dissolution of the trade unions and call on the the right for workers to organize and choose their union leadership through free and democratic means free of interference from the military or the transitional government, and
· Demand the withdrawal of the military from all aspects of Sudanese society, including the education system, the judicial system, economic system, and all other aspects of civil society.
Be it further resolved that [insert your union, labour council, students’ union, or organization here] call on the United States to take the following steps:
· Cease all military and diplomatic cooperation with the Sudanese military, including the Rapid Support Forces, until the Sudanese state is fully sovereign and free to make economic, political and security decisions without military influence;
· End arms sales to the Sudanese coup leaders’ regional backers (United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel);
· Support the right of workers to form trade unions and engage in strike action, as fundamental to a free society; and
· Oppose any western military intervention and instead call on the IMF, national governments, & commercial banks to cancel Sudan’s national debts which fuel the economic crisis.
See this letter about Sudan from AFT president Weingarten

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